A Brief Introduction: Welcome to the Daisy In Your Hair: Photography by Samantha Finch

January 01, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

 I can remember the exact moment I knew I wanted to be a photographer, I see it vividly in my mind and every emotion that is associated with that moment floods back to me.


Ebbing and Flowing [VOX 2010]

Ebbing and Flowing by Samantha Finch (Spring 2010)

I was a junior in high school in my first photography class. I decided to take photography as my art elective because I always loved looking at images and thought it would be fun to learn more about the process of creating photographs.

It was the first day of class. After our professor (Mr. Cronk) explained the syllabus he took us on a tour of the darkroom. I followed along with the other students taking notes and observing.

He ended the tour by a large poster on the wall next to the windows overlooking the parking lot. He paused and then told us we will learn how to shoot, develop, and process our own images. He continued by saying that the next class we would learn about the camera and history mentioning words like contrast, lighting, depth of field, and composition.

He ended that first class by telling us to look at the poster and think about what we think makes it a “good” image. As a stared at the black and white image upon the wall I was memorized- and in that moment everything changed.

Well maybe not everything, but I defiantly changed. 



Ansel Adam’s “Moon and Half Dome”

As I looked upon the crisp lines, dark shadows, memorizing landscape, and overall undeniable beauty of Ansel Adams “Moon and Half Dome” I thought to myself that if I could create a image that makes someone else feel how I felt in that moment then I would be happy.

That has been my goal everyday since.

So here is my website, a documentation of what I aim to do everyday- a platform to show my work- and a method to hopefully inspire other people like that one image inspired me.


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